Library Tactics

Definition Admit {A} : A. admit. Defined.

Ltac rewr_assumption := idtac; match goal with
                          | [R: _ = _ |- _ ] ⇒ first [rewrite R| rewrite <- R]

Module Type Preorder.

Parameter Conf : Type.
Parameter VM : ConfConfProp.

End Preorder.

Module Calculation (Ord : Preorder).
Import Ord.

Notation "x ==> y" := (VM x y) (at level 80, no associativity).

Reserved Notation "x =>> y" (at level 80, no associativity).
Inductive trc : ConfConfProp :=
| trc_refl c : c =>> c
| trc_step_trans c1 c2 c3 : c1 ==> c2c2 =>> c3c1 =>> c3
 where "x =>> y" := (trc x y).

Lemma trc_step c1 c2 : c1 ==> c2c1 =>> c2.
  eapply trc_step_trans. eassumption. apply trc_refl.

Lemma trc_trans c1 c2 c3 : c1 =>> c2c2 =>> c3c1 =>> c3.
  intros T S.
  induction T. assumption. eapply trc_step_trans. eassumption. apply IHT. assumption.

Corollary trc_step_trans' c1 c2 c3 : c1 =>> c2c2 ==> c3c1 =>> c3.
  intros. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. apply trc_step. assumption.

Corollary trc_eq_trans c1 c2 c3 : c1 =>> c2c2 = c3c1 =>> c3.
  intros. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. subst. apply trc_refl.

Ltac smart_destruct x := first[is_var x;destruct x| let x' := fresh in remember x as x'; destruct x' ].

Ltac dist t := idtac; subst; simpl; try solve [t;try rewr_assumption;auto|apply trc_step;t;eauto
                                        |apply trc_refl;t;eauto] ; match goal with
                        | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H; dist t
                        | [ H : or _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H; dist t
                        | [ |- context [let _ := ?x in _] ] ⇒ smart_destruct x;dist t
                        | [ |- context [match ?x with __ end]] ⇒ smart_destruct x; dist t

Ltac dist_refl := dist reflexivity.

Ltac check_exp' x y t := let h := fresh "check" in assert (h: x = y) by t; try rewrite <- h; clear h.
Ltac check_exp x y := let h := fresh "check" in assert (h: x = y) by reflexivity; clear h.

Ltac check_rel R Rel := first [check_exp R Rel|
                             fail 2 "wrong goal; expected relation" R "but found" Rel].

Tactic Notation "[]" := apply trc_refl.

Ltac step rel lem t1 e2 :=
  match goal with
    | [|- ?Rel ?lhs ?rhs] ⇒ check_rel trc Rel;
        first [let h := fresh "rewriting" in
               assert(h : rel e2 rhs) by (dist t1) ; apply (fun xlem _ _ _ x h); clear h | fail 2]
    | _fail 1 "goal is not a VM"

Tactic Notation (at level 2) "<<=" "{"tactic(t) "}" constr(e) :=
  step trc trc_trans t e.

Tactic Notation (at level 2) "=" "{"tactic(t) "}" constr(e) :=
  step (@eq Conf) trc_eq_trans t e.

Tactic Notation (at level 2) "<==" "{"tactic(t) "}" constr(e) :=
  step VM trc_step_trans' t e.

Ltac step_try rel e2 :=
  match goal with
    | [|- ?Rel ?lhs ?rhs] ⇒ check_rel trc Rel;
                            first [let h := fresh "step_try" in assert(h : rel e2 rhs)|fail 2]
    | _fail 1 "goal is not a VM"

Tactic Notation (at level 2) "<<=" "{?}" constr(e) := step_try trc e.
Tactic Notation (at level 2) "<==" "{?}" constr(e) := step_try VM e.
Tactic Notation (at level 2) "=" "{?}" constr(e) := step_try (@eq Conf) e.

Tactic Notation (at level 2) "<==" "{"tactic(t1) "}?" :=
  match goal with
    | [|- ?Rel ?lhs ?rhs] ⇒ check_rel trc Rel;
        first [eapply trc_trans; [idtac|solve[t1]] | fail 2]
      | _fail 1 "goal is not a VM"

Tactic Notation (at level 2) "begin" constr(rhs) := match goal with
    | [|- ?Rel ?lhs ?rhs'] ⇒ check_rel trc Rel; check_exp' rhs rhs' dist_refl
      | _fail 1 "rhs does not match"

Inductive barred (P : ConfProp) : ConfProp :=
| barred_here c : P cbarred P c
| barred_next c : ( c', c ==> c'barred P c') → barred P c.

Lemma barred_if c (P Q : ConfProp) : ( c, P cQ c) → barred P cbarred Q c.
  intros. induction H0. apply barred_here. auto.
  apply barred_next. assumption.

Lemma barred_step (P : ConfProp) c :( c', c ==> c'P c') → barred P c.
  intros. apply barred_next. intros. apply barred_here. auto.

Definition determ {A} (R : AAProp) : Prop := C C1 C2, R C C1R C C2C1 = C2.

Definition trc' C C' := C =>> C' ¬ C'', C' ==> C''.

Notation "x =>>! y" := (trc' x y) (at level 80, no associativity).

Lemma determ_factor C1 C2 C3 : determ VMC1 ==> C2C1 =>>! C3C2 =>> C3.
  unfold determ. intros. destruct H1.
  destruct H1. exfalso. apply H2. eexists. eassumption.

  assert (c2 = C2). eapply H. apply H1. apply H0. subst. assumption.

Lemma determ_trc : determ VMdeterm trc'.
  intros. unfold determ. intros. destruct H0.
  induction H0.

  destruct H1. destruct H0. reflexivity. exfalso. apply H2. eexists. eassumption.

  apply IHtrc. apply H2. split. eapply determ_factor; eassumption. destruct H1. assumption.

End Calculation.