Library LambdaCBName

Calculation of a compiler for the call-by-name lambda calculus + arithmetic.

Require Import List.
Require Import ListIndex.
Require Import Tactics.


Inductive Expr : Set :=
| Val : natExpr
| Add : ExprExprExpr
| Var : natExpr
| Abs : ExprExpr
| App : ExprExprExpr.


We start with the evaluator for this language, which is taken from Ager et al. "A functional correspondence between evaluators and abstract machines" (we use Haskell syntax to describe the evaluator):
type Env   = [Thunk]
data Thunk = Thunk (() -> Value)
data Value = Num Int | Clo (Thunk -> Value)

eval :: Expr -> Env -> Value
eval (Val n)   e = Num n
eval (Add x y) e = case eval x e of
                     Num n -> case eval y e of
                                Num m -> Num (n + m)
eval (Var i)   e = case e !! i of
                     Thunk t -> t ()
eval (Abs x)   e = Clo (\t -> eval x (t : e))
eval (App x y) e = case eval x e of
                     Clo f -> f (Thunk (\_ -> eval y e))
After defunctionalisation and translation into relational form we obtain the semantics below.

Inductive Thunk : Set :=
  | thunk : Exprlist ThunkThunk.

Definition Env : Set := list Thunk.

Inductive Value : Set :=
| Num : natValue
| Clo : ExprEnvValue.

Reserved Notation "x ⇓[ e ] y" (at level 80, no associativity).

Inductive eval : ExprEnvValueProp :=
| eval_val e n : Val n ⇓[e] Num n
| eval_add e x y m n : x ⇓[e] Num my ⇓[e] Num nAdd x y ⇓[e] Num (m + n)
| eval_var e e' x i v : nth e i = Some (thunk x e') → x ⇓[e'] vVar i ⇓[e] v
| eval_abs e x : Abs x ⇓[e] Clo x e
| eval_app e e' x x' x'' y : x ⇓[e] Clo x' e'x' ⇓[thunk y e :: e'] x''App x y ⇓[e] x''
where "x ⇓[ e ] y" := (eval x e y).


Inductive Code : Set :=
| PUSH : natCodeCode
| ADD : CodeCode
| RET : Code
| LOOKUP : natCodeCode
| APP : CodeCodeCode
| ABS : CodeCodeCode
| HALT : Code.

Fixpoint comp' (e : Expr) (c : Code) : Code :=
  match e with
    | Val nPUSH n c
    | Add x ycomp' x (comp' y (ADD c))
    | Var iLOOKUP i c
    | App x ycomp' x (APP (comp' y RET) c)
    | Abs xABS (comp' x RET) c

Definition comp (e : Expr) : Code := comp' e HALT.

Virtual Machine

Inductive Thunk' : Set :=
  | thunk' : Codelist Thunk'Thunk'.

Definition Env' : Set := list Thunk'.

Inductive Value' : Set :=
| Num' : natValue'
| Clo' : CodeEnv'Value'.

Inductive Elem : Set :=
| VAL : Value'Elem
| CLO : CodeEnv'Elem
Definition Stack : Set := list Elem.

Inductive Conf : Set :=
| conf : CodeStackEnv'Conf.

Notation "⟨ x , y , e ⟩" := (conf x y e).

Reserved Notation "x ==> y" (at level 80, no associativity).
Inductive VM : ConfConfProp :=
| vm_push n c s e : PUSH n c, s, e ==> c, VAL (Num' n) :: s, e
| vm_add c m n s e : ADD c, VAL (Num' n) :: VAL (Num' m) :: s, e
                       ==> c, VAL (Num'(m + n)) :: s, e
| vm_ret v c e e' s : RET, VAL v :: CLO c e :: s, e' ==> c, VAL v :: s, e
| vm_lookup e e' i c c' s : nth e i = Some (thunk' c' e') → LOOKUP i c, s, e ==> c', CLO c e :: s, e'
| vm_app c c' c'' e e' s : APP c' c, VAL (Clo' c'' e') :: s, e
                           ==> c'', CLO c e :: s, thunk' c' e :: e'
| vm_abs c c' s e : ABS c' c, s, e ==> c, VAL (Clo' c' e) :: s, e
where "x ==> y" := (VM x y).

Conversion functions from semantics to VM

Fixpoint convT (t : Thunk) : Thunk' :=
  match t with
    | thunk x ethunk' (comp' x RET) (map convT e)

Definition convE : EnvEnv' := map convT.

Fixpoint convV (v : Value) : Value' :=
  match v with
    | Num nNum' n
    | Clo x eClo' (comp' x RET) (convE e)


Boilerplate to import calculation tactics

Module VM <: Preorder.
Definition Conf := Conf.
Definition VM := VM.
End VM.
Module VMCalc := Calculation VM.
Import VMCalc.

Specification of the compiler

Theorem spec p e r c s : p ⇓[e] rcomp' p c, s, convE e
                                 =>> c , VAL (convV r) :: s, convE e.

Setup the induction proof

  generalize dependent c.
  generalize dependent s.
  induction H;intros.

Calculation of the compiler

  c, VAL (Num' n) :: s, convE e.
  <== { apply vm_push }
  PUSH n c, s, convE e.

    c, VAL (Num' (m + n)) :: s, convE e .
  <== { apply vm_add }
    ADD c, VAL (Num' n) :: VAL (Num' m) :: s, convE e.
  <<= { apply IHeval2 }
  comp' y (ADD c), VAL (Num' m) :: s, convE e.
  <<= { apply IHeval1 }
  comp' x (comp' y (ADD c)), s, convE e.

    c, VAL (convV v) :: s, convE e .
  <== {apply vm_ret}
    RET, VAL (convV v) :: CLO c (convE e) :: s, convE e'.
  <<= {apply IHeval}
    comp' x RET, CLO c (convE e) :: s, convE e'.
  <== {apply vm_lookup; unfold convE; rewrite nth_map}
    LOOKUP i c, s, convE e .

    c, VAL (Clo' (comp' x RET) (convE e)) :: s, convE e .
  <== { apply vm_abs }
    ABS (comp' x RET) c, s, convE e .

    c, VAL (convV x'') :: s, convE e .
  <== { apply vm_ret }
    RET, VAL (convV x'') :: CLO c (convE e) :: s, convE (thunk y e :: e') .
  <<= { apply IHeval2 }
    comp' x' RET, CLO c (convE e) :: s, convE (thunk y e :: e') .
  = {reflexivity}
    comp' x' RET, CLO c (convE e) :: s, thunk' (comp' y RET) (convE e) :: convE e' .
  <== { apply vm_app }
    APP (comp' y RET) c, VAL (Clo' (comp' x' RET) (convE e')) :: s, convE e .
  = { reflexivity }
    APP (comp' y RET) c, VAL (convV (Clo x' e')) :: s, convE e .
  <<= { apply IHeval1 }
    comp' x (APP (comp' y RET) c), s, convE e .


Lemma determ_vm : determ VM.
  intros C C1 C2 V. induction V; intro V'; inversion V'; subst; congruence.

Definition terminates (p : Expr) : Prop := r, p ⇓[nil] r.

Theorem sound p s C : terminates pcomp p, s, nil =>>! C
                           r, C = HALT , VAL (convV r) :: s, nil p ⇓[nil] r.
  unfold terminates. intros. destruct H as [r T].

  pose (spec p nil r HALT s) as H'. r. split. pose (determ_trc determ_vm) as D.
  unfold determ in D. eapply D. eassumption. split. auto. intro. destruct H.
  inversion H. assumption.